About Cie
Best Selling Author
My Story
C.T. Adams is a USA Today bestselling author with multiple books translated into various languages. She lives with her son, Lucky the Wonder Dog and her cats while both working full-time and writing. She is not really a morning person, but gets up early (with the help of copious amounts of caffeine) so that she can write every day. She loves chocolate, steak and shrimp, and a good margarita or screwdriver. Dislikes are best avoided. Her goal is to transition into writing full time.
She wanted to write from the minute she picked up her first picture book and loves to think that her stories might be just what someone needs to escape reality for a bit.
She started her career co-authoring with Cathy Clamp, but has successfully transitioned into a solo career.
While she has participated in a number of anthologies (and would love to do so again), most of those collections are now out of print and basically unavailable.